
「晨間廚房」於西元2001年成功在南台灣創造了西式早午餐的休閒流行風潮,引起熱烈迴響。 我們一再提升品質與創新,打造專屬於晨間廚房的經營風格。並於2008年成立晨間廚房冷凍食品生產線以及擁有完善的後勤中心,讓消費者安心享用豐富美食。

總部秉持「誠信、認真、負責」的心,努力創新、提升動力,營業加盟店落實「微笑、服務、堅持」的真誠態度,用心經營。 貫徹我們創業的初衷「 真誠態度,用心經營」,對環境、餐點、服務的嚴格要求,都是我們唯一堅持的方向。 2014年推出新品牌「華仁匯養生茶飲」,主要運用台灣的茶飲技術,結合中華文化的養生概念,以新創、獨特的茶品,開創茶飲界新風貌,推出一杯有別於市場的「東方保健茶」將東方茶文化,由台灣傳到全世界。

Morning Kitchen successfully creates a casual and fashionable branch style in 2001.

We have repeatedly improved the quality and innovation , to create a personal management style of Morning Kitchen.

We provide professional frozen food production lines and a well-found logistics center that can make the consumer enjoy the food safely.

The home office of MK holds the spirit of " Honesty. Seriousness. Responsibility " to being innovative ;

and the branches fulfill the goals of " Smile. Service. Persistence " in their management.

To follow out our principle " Honesty and Care, " the environment. the meals and the service are the only way we insist.


2014 introduced a new brand " Hua Ren Hui harmony tea " , the main use of Taiwan's tea technology,

combined with the concept of Chinese culture and health, in order to create new and unique tea products ,

tea industry to create a new style, Unlike the market launch of a cup of

" Oriental health tea " oriental tea culture spread around the world from Taiwan.


